Deepings Bowling Association

Lawn Bowls in Deeping St James Lincs

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The Deepings Bowling Association was formed in 1985, by the ‘founder’ members, who were keen to support the sport of Bowling. They were able to lease a piece of land opposite the Leisure Centre on the Spalding Road to use as a Bowling Green and clubhouse. It is due to their hard work that we now have the Club today.

Our membership is drawn mainly from the Deepings but not exclusively so. We welcome potential members who want to play or learn to play the game of bowls.

The Club programme offers all levels of players an opportunity to enjoy the game. There are many levels of play on offer from friendly games to league and competitive matches and the opportunity to play in County Competitions. The Club also offers an interesting social programme.

The season runs from the end of April to mid September and after paying your membership, provided green maintenance is not in progress, or closed by the Greenkeeper due to inclement weather, you can play every day without further charge, provided always that a rink is available.

The greens are open from Tuesday to Sunday from 10.30am to dusk and on Mondays from 12 noon

There is a dress code. The National Association that the Club has adopted sets this. We call it “grey below the waist and white above” which translated means; the ladies wear regulation grey skirts or grey trousers and white blouses, the men grey trousers and white shirts.  Regulation flat-soled bowls shoes MUST be worn on the green at all times.

You may play 5 times on the payment of £3 per visit, after which you will be asked to join. The fees are:-      Annual Subscription  -  £45

There is a sliding scale for new members joining during the season

Juniors pay a £17.50 fee only. Social Members    £10.00 per annum